Saturday, December 8, 2012

Village Without Rollaway Bed

Village Without Rollaway Bed:

Village Without Rollaway Bed

Every traveler would expect the mattress as bedding when staying in a place. But, no mattress when you are on vacation and stay overnight in the village of East Legung, Madura because villagers have always slept on the sand.

Unique. That's Indonesia. Indonesia does have a lot of diverse uniqueness that is not owned by other countries. One of the unique and interesting is the village of 'no mattress'.

When you are traveling to Madura, East Java, try to visit and spend the night in the northern coastal village district Batang-batang Sumenep. Village of East Legung, almost all the people in the village work as fishermen.

Glance is nothing strange. You can spend a holiday by enjoying the life of this friendly fishing village. You can see the fishermen went to sea, playing on the beach, or socializing with the villagers.

But when night falls you will be given a special surprise by the owner of the house where you stay. When you enter the room, you will not find cotton mattress or spring bed as the house in general. Yes, in the room There's only flattened sand dunes or sand pool.

This does not mean they can not afford to buy a mattress, but since has become local tradition. The sand which is used as bedding is white sand taken from the surrounding coast. Villagers also believe that sleeping in the sand is able to treat arthritic pain. In fact, they have a belief that gave birth in the sand can make a healthier baby.

Uniquely, the sand used for bedding is not sticky in the body. It is also considered to be a distinctive feature. Every room in the house has a plot like a pool bath composed of brick. Then, filled with white sand.

In addition to the rooms, also many white sand scattered on the home page. The women also love to sit and chat in the sand. Sand used by local people have passed the screening process in order to really clean.

Sand used for regular beds cleaned by sieving each morning and afternoon. Replacement of sand were carried out once a year. In addition to the 'Village of East Legung', there are two other villages, namely 'Village Dapenda' and 'Village West Legung'.

Tourists who come to these villages could also feel the sensation of sleeping on a mattress. Sleeping in the sand makes the body feel warmer in the winter and be cooler in the summer.

Village Without Rollaway Bed

Molly Bondan

Penterjemah Pidato Bung Karno
Oleh : Alit Bondan *)

Molly Bondan lahir dengan nama gadis Marry Alithea Warner di Auckland, Selandia Baru pada tanggal 9 Januari 1912. Dibesarkan di Australia dan menikah dengan Mohamad Bondan, Perintis kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia yang dibuang oleh Belanda ke Boven Digul bersamasama Rombongan Bung Hatta dari Tahun 1934 sampai 1943. Ketika Jepang menyerbu Indonesia, Bung Hatta kembali ke Jawa dan Mohamad Bondan dilarikan ke Australia. Disanalah mereka bertemu dan menikah pada tahun 1946.

Dengan pesawat Komisi Tiga Negara ( KTN ), Moh.Bondan beserta keluarga diterbangkan dari Brisbane ke Jogyakarta ( Ibu Kota Republik Indonesia Masa Itu ) pada tahun 1947. Di Jogyakarta mereka di rumah dr.Sutarto, adik ipar Bung Hatta dari tahun 1947 sampai dengan 1950. Moh.Bondan bekerja di Kementrian Perburuhan sedangkan Molly Bondan bekerja di RRI Jogyakarta di bawah pimpinan Yusuf Ronodipuro, sebagai penyiar bahasa Inggris untuk siaran berita luar negeri yang mengumandangkan berita-berita perjuangan Republik Indonesia.

Molly Bondan aktif pada siaran RRI , menulis dan mengajar Bahasa Inggris, dan karena kedekatannya dengan Bung Hatta, dipercaya Oleh Bung Karno untuk menterjemahkan pidatopidato kenegaraannya ke dalam Bahasa Inggris., terutama pidato 17 Agustus sejak Tahun 1950 s/d 1966. Pidato dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut dimaksudkan untuk konsumsi diplomat-diplomat asing , wartawan asing dan undangan lainnya dari negara sahabat yang hadir dan untuk siaran langsung ke luar negeri.

Judul Pidato 17 Agustus Bung Karno yang diterjemahkan Molly Bondan ialah :
  • Dari Sabang sampai Merauke ( 1950 ),
  • Capailah Tata Tenteram Kerta Raharja ( 1951 ),
  • Harapan dan Keyataan ( 1942 ),
  • Jadilah Alat Sejarah ( 1953 ),
  • Berirama dengan Kodrat ( 1954 ),
  • Tetap terbanglah Rajawali ( 1955 ),
  • Berilah isi kepada hidupmu ( 1956 ),
  • Satu Tahun Ketentuan ( 1958 ),
  • Tahun Tantangan ( 1958 ),
  • Penemuan kembali revolusi kita ( 1959 ),
  • Laksana malaikat yang menyerbu dari langit, Jalannya revolusi kita, ( Jarek ) ( 1960 ),
  • Resopim ( 1961 ),
  • Tahun kemenangan ( Takem ) ( 1962 ),
  • Genta Suara Republik Indonesia ( Gesuri ) ( 1963 ),
  • Tahun Vivere Pericoloso ( Tavip ) ( 1964 ),
  • Capailah Bintang – bintang di langit ( 1965 ),
  • Jangan Sekali-kali meninggalkan Sejarah ( 1966 ).
Selain itu Molly Bondan juga aktif dalam konferensi – konferensi Internasional sebagai staf Sekretariat dengan tugas menterjemahkan dan mengurus pidato-pidato para delegasi, antara lain dalam Konferensi Asia Afrika di Bandung pada tahun 1955, Juga konferensi Colombo Plan ke 11 di Jogyakarta pada tahun 1959. Bahan kuliah Bung Karno mengenai Marhaenisme yang berjudul Shaping and Reshaping Indonesia , yang dipaparkannya pada tanggal 3 Juli 1957 untu memperingati 30 Tahun berdirinya Partai Nasional Indonesia juga disusun dengan bantuan Molly Bondan. Pidato Bung Karno di PBB tahun 1958 dengan judul To Build The World A New , juga tak lepas dari sentuhan Molly Bondan.

Pengalaman lainnya yang agak unik terjadi tahun 1959 yang dialami Molly Bondan ditunjuk sebagai penterjemah dalam sidang pengadilan Allan Laurence Pope , penerbang Amerika yang ditembak jatuh di atas laut Arafuru setahun sebelumnya. Setelah menjalani tugas dalam persidangan yang melelahkan, Molly beserta anaknya berlibur selama lima minggu ke Australia sekaligus menemui ibunda beserta adik-adiknya yang tinggal disana.

Perpindahan statusnya dari Kementrian Penerangan ke Kementrian Luar Negeri pada tahun 1960 , tidak banyak mengubah bidang tugas Molly Bondan. Sebagai Penyiar Radio , tetap mengasuh Rubrik Surat Terbuka dan serial This is Indonesia di Programa III RRI Jakarta yang ditujukan bagi orang-orang asing yang tinggal di Indonesia. Sebagai penulis dan pengajar Bahasa inggris untuk karyawan-karyawan Kementrian Luar Negeri yang akan ditugaskan, menjadi Atase Penerangan di Luar Negeri tetap dilaksanakan di samping tugas-tugas dari Bung Karno dan tugas-tugas mengikuti Konferensi-Konferensi Internasional.

Molly Bondan Ikut serta menyusun Pidato Bung Karno di Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Non Blok di Beograd, Yugoslavia Tahun 1961. Kemudian pidato Bung Karno pada peringatan 10 Tahun Konferensi Asia Afrika bulan April 1965 di Bandung. Bulan Juni 1963 membantu delegasi Indonesia pada pertemuan tingkat Menteri di Manila yang membahas konsep Maphilindo. Dari Manila diskusi terus dilanjutkan ke Hongkon dan Singapura. Kembali lagi ke Manila dan ada pertemuan lainnya di Kamboja ( menyatukan Malaysia, Philipina dan Indonesia ) gagal di tengah jalan.

Ketemu Ayah.
September 1964, Molly Bondan mengikuti Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi Non Blok ke II di Kairo. Keberadaannya di Kairo ini merupakan suatu peristiwa yang sangat penting baginya. Sebelum keberangkatannya ke Indonesia Tahun 1947, Ayahandanya telah berangkat lebih dahulu dan menetap di Inggris. Pada September 1964 itulah kesempatan terakhir ia bertemu dengan ayahnya yang sedang perjalanan pulang ke Australia dengan Kapal Laut.

Maret 1965 ke Pnom Penh membantu menyusun pidato Bung Karno untuk Konferensi di Parlemen Indo China. Sebenarnya ada 2 orang lagi penterjemah yang bertugas membantu Bung Karno selain Molly Bondan , yaitu : Tom Atkinson dan John Coast . Tom Atkinson adalah Orang Inggris yang menetap di Indonesia sejak Perang Dunia Kedua. Sedangkan John Coast adalah diplomat Inggris di Bangkok dan tertarik dengan perjuangan Rakyat Indonesia. Diam-diam dia menyusup ke Ibukota Republik di Jogyakarta. Tetapi menjelang Tahun 1961 kedua orang Inggris itu satu per satu kembali ke Negaranya. Tinggallah Molly Bondan Seorang diri menjadi Penterjemah setia dari Bung Karno dan Republik Indonesia.

Sang Suami Moh.Bondan pensiun dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja pada tahun 1967, dan Molly sendiri menjalani pensiun dari Departemen Luar Negeri setahun kemudian. Setelah pensiun itu, pernah diminta oleh penerbit Gunung Agung untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan Editorial Buku The Smiling General, biografi Presiden Suharto.

Menerbitkan Buletin
Dengan sang suami Molly menerbitkan buletin bulanan Indonesia Current Affairs, Translation Service Bulletin. Isinya setebal 90 Halaman, diterjemahkan dari berita-berita koran yang terdiri dari berita politik, ekonomi, sosial, budaya dan hankam. Untuk itu Moh.Bondan harus membaca tidak kurang dari 13 koran setiap hari, kecuali minggu , guna memilih berita-berita yang merefleksikan Indonesia. Dan tugas Molly untuk menterjemahkannya ke Bahasa Inggris. Sasaran Buletin tersebut ialah kedutaan-kedutaan asing di Jakarta. Tetapi akhirnya juga menjadi sumber informasi bagi Universitas-universitas luar negeri yang mempunyai kajian mengenai Indonesia.

Kesehatan Moh.Bondan mulai menurun pada tahun 1975. Berhubung tidak ada penggantinya, buletin terpaksa ditutup pada bulan desember 1976. Molly juga pernah menulis di Koran , seperti Harian Kami ( 1968 ), antara lain mengenai Pancasila. Molly juga menyadari bahwa Masyarakat Indonesia membutuhkan banyak ide-ide mengenai kemanusiaan dan keadilan sosial yang telah ada di Dunia Barat sejak abad ke 17. Untuk itu beliau menulis di Kompas sebanyak 11 Artikel berseri selama tahun 1979. Molly Bondan yang telah mengabdikan hidupnya pada Negara Republik Indonesia berhenti menulis pada tahun 1980. Beliau mengidap penyakit kanker yang menyebabkan wafatnya pada tanggal 6 Januari 1990, tiga hari sebelum ulang tahunnya yang ke 78 dan dimakamkan di Tanah Kusir Jakarta Selatan. Pada hari itu, datang ke rumah duka untuk melayat, antara lain : Menteri Luar Negeri Ali Alatas , Menko Kesra Supardjo Rustam, Ibu Rahmi Hatta , S.K.Trimurti, Ruslan Abdul Gani, Maladi, B.M.Diah ( Tiga terakhir pernah menjadi Menteri Penerangan , sebagai atasan Molly ), Duta besar Australia Philip Flood dan lain-lainnya.

Tulisan-tulisannya dalam bahasa Inggris mengenai kebudayaan Indonesia yang ditik dengan mesin tik manual sebanyak 250 halaman masih tersimpan rapi di rumah putra tunggalnya, Alit Bondan. Salah satu topik tulisan almarhum mengenai kebudayaan Indonesia adalah Island of Golden Heritages : Indonesia.

*) Drs. Alit Bondan M.Kom., adalah anak tunggal Molly dengan Moh.Bondan, dosen SEKOLAH TINGGI TEKNIK PLN.

Sumber :

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sparkling M.I.A Year-End Concert at Potato Head Club Bali

Sparkling M.I.A Year-End Concert at Potato Head Club Bali:

Sparkling up the turn of the year celebrations, the renowned international artist Mathangi ‘Maya’ Arulpragasam or popularly known as M.I.A is set to stage a four hours show on 29 December 2012, at the Potato Head Club Seminyak, Bali.

M.I.A will present her colorful music by combining various styles and genres of music: from reggae, blues, alternative rock, hip hop, rap ballads, and Asian Folk. A line up of Indonesia’s own top DJ will add to the highlights of the show.

Since building her career in 2004, the multitalented artist (singer, songwriter, painter, and movie director) is known as the only artist who has successfully collected an Academy Award, Grammy Award, Brit Award, Mercury Prize, and Alternative Turner Prize. M.I.A is also the first Asian-descent artist to be nominated and win an Academy Award and a Grammy Award.

In the international scene, M.I.A has made many achievements that launched her name to popularity. In 2005 and 2008, M.I.A was awarded Artist of the Year by Spin and URB. In 2009, she was named one of the most influential artists in 2000 in the ‘Best of the decade’ list by Rolling Stone. In January 2010, Esquire magazine put M.I.A in the ’75 Most Influential People in the 21st Century’. In the same month, Time Magazine also listed her as one of the World's 100 Most Influential People.

Legendary GUNS n ROSES stage Live Concert only in Jakarta

Legendary GUNS n ROSES stage Live Concert only in Jakarta:

As the year end approaches, the metropolitan capital Jakarta will witness the performance of one of the most legendary names in all time history of rock music as Guns N Roses are set to stage their first time ever show in Indonesia on 15th December 2012, to be held at the  D Field, Bung Karno Sport Complex, Senayan, Jakarta.

The band made a surprise announcement through its official Twitter account @gunsnroses - on 16th October 2012: “Do you know where we'll be on 12/15/12? We'll be in Jakarta BABY!” which was later followed by a release in their official website  prompting fans frenzy on social media and internet.

Guns N Roses diehard fans and rock enthusiasts in general will surely be indulged with the distinct tunes of 90’s rock with some of the band’s legendary hits such as ‘Sweet Child o’ Mine’, ‘Welcome to the Jungle’, ‘Paradise City’, ‘Patience’, ‘Don’t Cry’, ‘November Rain’, ‘You Could Be Mine’, ‘Knockin on Heaven’s Door’, ‘November Rain’, ‘Estranged’, as well as hits from their latest album that marked the revival of the band ‘Chinese Democracy’.

Having its heyday in the 90’s, Guns N’ Roses is now only left with the charismatic high pitched lead vocalist W.Axl.Rose from the original line up. For the performance in Jakarta, Axl will be joined by the latest formation of the Band which includes DJ Ashba (guitar), Dizzy Reed (keyboards), Tommy Stinson (bass), Richard Fortus (guitar), Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal (guitar), Chris Pitman (keyboards) and Frank Ferrer (drums).

Earlier in 2010, one of the most celebrated guitarists in the world and former member of Guns N Roses, Saul Hudson or popularly known as Slash already staged two successful performances in Jakarta and Surabaya.

Indika Productions,  promoters of  the show stated that Indonesia is the only country in South East Asia where they will perform for their tour this time. For this historical show, promoters have set ticket prices that range from IDR700, 000 for festival B, IDR1, 100,000 for festival A, and 2,000,000 for VIP.   Tickets are already on sale since 17th October 2012.

More Information available at:
Photo credit:

Djakarta Warehouse Project

Djakarta Warehouse Project:

Clubbers, party goers, dance enthusiasts, and urban nightlife junkies  be prepared! The metropolitan capital Jakarta is about to be stormed with massive vibe of urban music fiesta as the Djakarta Warehouse Project gets underway on 7th December 2012 at the Istora Senayan, Bung Karno Sports Complex, Jakarta.

Organized by ISMAYA LIVE, DJAKARTA WAREHOUSE PROJECT (DWP) is considered  Indonesia's biggest and leading annual dance music festival. This year, the festival will be held in multiple arenas within Istora Senayan and will feature some of the most popular names in International and Indonesia’s own electronic and club music scene. Completed with dramatic settings and decorations, this upbeat music fiesta will indulge the audience with various dance music genres including electronic, house, progressive, techno, trance, drum and bass, to dubstep.

Among some of the names that decorate the line-up are: Avicii, Calvin Harris, Paul van Dyk, Knife Party, Markus Schulz, A-Trak, Porter Robinson, Brodinski, Gesaffelstein, Late Night Alumni, Nina Kraviz, Angger Dimas, Cyberjapan, and a selection of Indonesia's leading EDM local heroes.

This year’s Djakarta Warehouse Project will continue the use of the latest digital technology to enhance the cool modern ambiance and give party-goers an out-of-this-world party experience. The use of captivating visuals, sounds, and other exciting features will surely give the audience a one of a kind experience.

Tickets are available online at and
More Information available at:

The electrifying STING: Back to Bass Tour Concert Live in Jakarta

The electrifying STING: Back to Bass Tour Concert Live in Jakarta:

Eighteen years ago in 1994, the crowd at the Plenary Hall of the Jakarta Convention Center  was left awed with the mesmerizing show of  British singer-songwriter and overall great musician STING as he performed the Ten Summoner’s   Tales concert. This year, Sting returns to quench his fans longing with a bigger bang as the STING: Back to Bass Concert gets underway on 15th December 2012 at the Mata Elang International Stadium, Ancol, Jakarta.
The Jakarta Show also marks the last stop and pinnacle for the Back to Bass World Tour.  Celebrating the 25th anniversary of Sting’s solo career, the Back to Bass tour is also to support the release of the box set Sting: 25 Years, a collection chronicling the former member of the band The Police chief solo career. For the tour –and his performance in Jakarta, Sting will be joined by longtime guitarist Dominic Miller plus Rufus Miller (guitarists), Vinnie Colaiuta (drummer), Peter Tickell (electric fiddle), and Jo Lawry (vocalist). As the title suggests Sting will also obviously put his fingers “back to bass”.
The show promises to have all the hits, stripped down to rock ‘n’ roll arrangements (as in no strange arrangements or exotic instruments such as mandolins, Northumbrian pipes, and others). Some of Sting and The Police hits such as ‘Message in the Bottle’, ‘Roxanne’, ‘Every Breath You Take’, ‘Englishman in New York’,  ‘so lonely’, and many others, will be performed with a basic rock n roll formation as when the hits were originally recorded.
Born as Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, Sting is not only known as a legendary musician but also activist, actor and philanthropist. His musical career began with The Police, a new wave band which he formed with Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers. The band released five albums and produced some of the everlasting hits such as ‘So Lonely’, ‘Every Breath you Take’, ‘Roxanne’, and others .  Since his first solo album  ‘The Dream of the Blue Turtles’ in 1985, Sting has released 13 solo albums. Sting has varied his musical style throughout his career, incorporating distinct elements of jazz, reggae, classical, New Age, and worldbeat into his music. As a solo musician and member of The Police, Sting has received sixteen Grammy Awards for his work, receiving his first Grammy for Best Rock Instrumental Performance in 1981, three Brit Awards – winning Best British Male in 1994, a Golden Globe, an Emmy Award, and several Oscar nominations for Best Original Song. He is a member of both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
Third Eye Management (TEM) Asia has prepared 8000 tickets which have been on sale since 26th September 2012, with prices ranging from IDR1,900,000 to IDR 5,000,000. The first 500 ticket buyers will receive Sting’s “The Best of 25 Years” album and a voucher from Hard Rock CafĂ©.

Tickets and more information are available at:

Global Youth Forum in Bali

Global Youth Forum in Bali:
On 3rd to 6th December 2012, over 900 youth leaders from every country will have an unprecedented opportunity to influence global policy as they convene at the Nusa Dua Convention Center, Nusa Dua in the fabled island of Bali for the Global Youth Forum.

As part of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICDP) Beyond 2014–a United Nations mandated reviews of the International Conference on Population and Development Programs of Actions- the Global Youth Forum represents 43% of the world’s population under the age 25 and is aimed to develop official recommendations for the United Nations development agenda.

Delegates of the Global Youth Forum will work closely to reach consensus on global recommendations for action on five crucial issues:

Staying Healthy : Creating communities, policies and services that respect individual health needs and human rights, ensuring that every young person achieves their full potential.

Comprehensive Education : Providing all young people, regardless of gender, disability, race or economic status, with good quality education so that they are empowered to be active citizens.

Transitions to decent employment for youth : Overcoming the challenges of youth unemployment and harnessing the potential of youth to drive development that creates a healthier, more equal and more sustainable world for everyone.

Sexuality, Families and Rights : Exploring the relationship between sexuality, family formation and sexual and reproductive health and human rights amongst adolescents and youth or family planning as a part of protecting sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Fully Inclusive CIVIC participation : Supporting and building the capacity of youth leaders and the ability of governments, institutions and businesses to work collaboratively to create a more equal, more sustainable planet.
Recommendations from the Global Youth Forum will be presented by the Secretary General of the United Nations to the General Assembly. Similar to the watershed International Conference on Population and Development in 1994, the ICPD Beyond 2014 Review will have a profound influence on future policies at national, regional and global levels, keeping human rights at the heart of development.

Anyone from any part of the globe between the ages of 14 and 25 are welcome to join the forum and register as a virtual delegate. From 3-6th December, these virtual delegates can follow conference presentations online and contribute directly using web, mobile and social media to submit their recommendations on the Forum themes. A team of moderators will ensure that the recommendations from virtual delegates are heard bringing the various views into the heart of the debate. Youth all around the world can also share their views about the issues through the Speech Bubble photos or short video with the #icpdyouth tag.

Nine hundred delegates will attend in person in Bali, Indonesia. Thousands more will participate virtually. No matter where you live, this is definitely your chance to shape the global agenda, so come on and join the movement!

More Information available at: